iView Multimedia can now catalog images for Kodak pro digital cameras like:
Kodak DCS 1, 3, 5, 315, 410, 420, 460, 520, 560 and the upcoming DCS 620
Canon EOS D2000, EOD D6000
AP/Kodak NC2000e
iView Multimedia gives the incredibly useful ability to see the preview image inside AP Viewer/Photo Mechanic-processed files.
iView Multimedia now supports various annotation protocols, both in read and write form, including:
- Finder’s "file info" comments, including pure comments or URL’s.
- IPTC annotation, also known as the "file info" ANPA resource, introduced by Adobe Photoshop™ to hold information such as captions, keywords, authors etc.,
- Image tags for JPEG, TIFF and DCBa images,
- A selection of the digital camera annotation set, also known as EXIF.
This set is based on the ISO/DIS 12234-1 publication on electronic still picture camera standards which contains info like image capture information shutter speed, aperture, etc.
An expert in this field says:
"Digital photographers looking for a robust, low-cost way to archive their Kodak Professional proprietary TIFFs need look no further than iView Multimedia. Users who process their digital cameras images through Camera Bits Photo Mechanic or AP Viewer software will be especially happy
with the new features in iView Multimedia 3.5."
Rob Galbraith
Digital photographer and author of
The Digital Photojournalist's Guide 4th Ed.
What media browser is easiest, fastest, applescriptable, uses Navigation Services, allows extensive use of drag and drop and is totally compatible with QuickTime 3.0 and Mac OS 8.5?
What program can read all these files Quark, Canvas, Painter, Live Picture, Freehand, PageMaker, Illustrator, gif, jpg, TIFF, PICT, GX, BMP, Targa, EPS, fonts, sounds, movies, QuickTime VR, animation, and many others?
What media cataloging program allows total newbies and HTML pros to create a web site of images with just two clicks?
What shareware has been extolled by digital photographers and dtp professionals for its power, Photoshop compatibility and color precision?
What media organizer allows exporting as a QuickTime movie, a poster, a text database or as an HTML website?
What media asset management program can print a catalog sized for a CD jewel case, Zip disk case and many other ways?
What program has creators that listen carefully to all user comments and suggestions then create new versions based on user feedback every couple of months?
What program does all of the above is a great deal, a heck of a lot of fun, and can be downloaded right now from the internet?
Answer - - -> iView Multimedia!
Now available at:
IMPORTANT: CD ROM publishers, photographers and others can burn iView Multimedia on their CD's and include it with their catalogs royalty free. Digital camera manufacturers are also welcome to include iView Multimedia free with their cameras. Please contact us for more details.
Who Its For
Everyone who needs to track multimedia files. Anyone with a digital camera will find iView Multimedia essential but it is also designed for newspapers, DTP pros, photographers, publishing professionals, scientists, educators, students, doctors, cinematographers, cartoonists, illustrators, cd producers, real estate agents, technologists, magazine designers, multimedia producers, web publishers, consultants, database developers, designers, musicians, sound pro's, singers, artists, and complete and total beginners. iView Multimedia is for anyone who wants to find and immediately use a multimedia file.
What It Does
iView Multimedia provides the easiest and most powerful way to view and organize all the media on your Mac OS computer(s). iView Multimedia is a tool to help you to do less and accomplish more. It lets the professional focus on their creative work and not on learning a new piece of software. If you are tired of searching mountains of disks and CD's trying to unearth that special photo, QTVR or clip art it is time to try something that instantly saves you and your business time and energy.
iView can act as your digital image database, your karaoke jukebox, your sound library, your scrapbook of clip art, your PhotoShop organizer, your movie database, your font collection, your quicktimeVR gallery, your animation museum, your Illustrator archive, your Freehand album and now your Canvas and Quark or PageMaker portfolio.
iView Multimedia costs just $25. iViewXT which allows iView Multimedia to read and catalog Quark files is $48. Site Licenses are available. We also can tailor/program iView Multimedia for special projects. Please contact us for details.
Screen shots for magazines and news web sites are available on request.
Additions in version 3.5
- “Export URL” renamed to “Make Finder Comments” now exports image